nice flat, fully furnished, close to Duisburg university campus

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Casa plurifamiliar

5. Planta alta



Lámina, PVC

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Garaje para bicicletas


The flat is good value for money and in great condition. It is and just 10 minutes away from the Duisburg campus on foot. To the city center it is about 15 minutes on foot, or two stops with the tram. The tram stop is very close as well. It is great for a single person or couple.

The apartment is 54 square meters (kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom), and has a small extra room of about 4 sqm, which I use as a storage/office room. It is on fifth floor (no elevator), but climbing the stairs gives you a daily exercise.

The rent for the apartment is 413 Eur/month. This includes heating and water. Electricity, internet, TV would be extra. These utilites are based on consumption, so if you like it very warm in winter, you might end up paying more. As for me, I always got 200-300 Euros reimbursed from the landlord, because I did use less than the sum paid in advance.

I am leaving Germany, so I would like to leave all my furniture in the apartment. Thus I would like to sell the furniture to the next tenant. I bought most of the furniture new when I moved in, and I bought some of the furniture during my time here, so all the furniture are not older than six years. The most important parts include a fitted kitchen (including fridge (with a little freezer on top), stove and oven, dish washer) with a kitchen table & chairs, bed & closet, a sofa which can be converted into a bed, desk, cupboards, washing maschine, etc. All the furniture and utensils are in very good condition. We have to agree on a price, but I think 50% of the original price is fair. The furniture will be yours, so you can continue to sell them to the next tenant after you leave.

I'd be happy to show you around in the apartment in person, on Skype, if you are interested.

In terms of moving, my contract for the apartment runs till the end of August 2016. I'd also be flexible to move out during August (beginning or middle), if you would like to rent the flat earlier.

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