Looking for nice accommodations starting from Dec/Jan 2020

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: n.d.
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Servus :)
I am Jacopo, I am 26 and I am from Italy, from a small city really close to Milano. For almost 2 years I studied Marketing and Communication in t he Netherlands.
Since December 2018 I’ve been working @Flixbus for the online marketing department (CRM department). So, If you ever received a FlixBus email, it might have been me, sorry about that 😂 I am currently living in an international WG but unfortunately only for a short time period ( till January 2020). Therefore, I am looking for a new accommodation, either a studio apartment or a nice and friendly WG.
I used to live in an international house and the possibility to live with international people is something I really enjoyed.
I love hanging out, meeting new people, having jam sessions and enjoying quality time with my roommates. I also like doing sports (mostly bouldering and gym) and trying new experiences. For almost 5 years I've been vegetarian, but do not worry, if you eat meet I won't complain or bother you ;)
I would define myself as an open-minded, positive and curious person 🙂 I am really looking for to continue my new adventure in Munich! Looking forward to hear about you!

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