A great Single room in Dormitort Green House

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Edificio nuevo

2. Planta alta



Uso compartido del baño, Ducha



Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

2 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Jardín, Garaje para bicicletas, Ascensor


Dear friends
I am going to rent my room from the middle of Novem ber or the begining of December. It is a single 12.5 m ^ 2 one, Kithchen, Bathroom and Toilet shared with a girl, though Bathroom and toilet are big enough and not together. It is in Dormitory Green house less than 1 years old ! and belongs to OeAD company, So there is a Possibility for "Meldeze" doing residence registration. Facilities in room are, bed, blanket, pillow, all with cover, complete personal kitchen box, Free TV cable with TV, free high-speed WiFi, private desk and chair, many shelves and so on. Greenhouse is a very new building (just 9 mounth), with party room, Exercise room (gym), Music Room, lundry, studyroom, Garden, ....., in the Strict 1220 and therefore 5 minutes to U2 and 1 min to bus station. and therefore you access to high-speed wifi any where in building for free. A very quiet great building. This residence is located right next to the subway whichwill take you wherever you want to go. It will take you to the University of Vienna and WU without changing trains! Do not loos it !! The same one in other dormitories are at least 470 euros monthly! I am sure you will enjoy it if you choose! Enjoy life by relaxing at at artificial lake nearby after having spent on exhausting day at university. For more information please call me, or send me an sms email.

Deposit : EUR 950
Rent contains all charges : EUR 394
By the way ! great news ! that I will reduce the rent for december , January and Februey to EUR 344 ! SO you will save Euro 150 !

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