GUI Helles & super schönes Zimmer in der coolsten WG in Prenz. Berg

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WG-Gesucht+ - Averigua cuáles son tus posibilidades.


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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 5 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 200m²
  • 5 personas
  • No comunitario, Mixto
  • Idioma(s): Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés, Francés Francés, Polaco Polaco, Italiano Italiano, Sueco Sueco

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Certificado de consumo, V: 5kW h/(m²a), Gas, Año de construcción 1950

Edificio antiguo

3. Planta alta

Amueblado parcialmente


DSL mayor de 100 Mbit/s


Calefacción a gas

Buenos espacios para estacionar

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Balcón, Jardín





First of all, please read the description, time is precious, and you can expect us to just delete your mail if it doesn't match what we are looking for (for example if you are younger than 25-26 ;) )

So we have one room available in our huge WG, the room is really big, and it has also a dedicated balcony. It could be for long term, if it works with everyone 😚

The flat is actually 2 flats together, so 2 bathrooms and 2 kitchens, but this room is special ad it is in between the 2 flats. There is 2 doors, and you need to go through that room to go to the other part of the flat, but if both doors are closed, you can go through the main door of the flats without troubles. The person living in that room as to be more open than usual, so if you prefer to keep your door close all day long, it will no work for us.

There are some furniture, nothing crazy tho, there is a bed with a mattress, several shelves.

The flat is composed of many nationalities with lots of great people, we cook together quite often and hang out in the kitchen usually : German, French, Chilean, Spanish We often seat in the kitchen at night, with some beers.

We are usually quiet at night, and we don't party too much in our flat, but we can have beers and game night, or cooking evening.

We are looking for someone open and willing to be part of the wg life.

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