cozy, cheap, private and unrenovated flat in P-berg

Anzeigennummer: 4436801


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Angaben zum Objekt




Eigene Küche

Eigenes Bad, Badewanne

Waschmaschine, Keller


I am offering up a little flat in Prenzlauerberg because I am moving back to the U.S. The place is small and unrenovated and cheap. It is perfect for someone who wants to live alone and doesn't mind unrenovated conditions in exchange for affordable privacy. It is perfect for someone who needs a start with all the furniture and things (apartment comes with everything: Kitchen, vacuum, iron, some cooking utensils, washing machine, bed, desk etc. The place is not renovated so if someone is good at fixing things up it would be ideal as well. OBI is across the street.

It's a larger kitchen on one end with a couple of kitchen tables and an equally sized bedroom on the other. They both have big windows and the place has fairly high ceilings for a more worker style altbau. I will say right now: the bathroom only has a bathtub and a toilet. I brushed my teeth in the kitchen. This is the big glaring work around in the apartment.

It's a short walk from Greifwalderstrasse on the Ring. There is a tram stop on the end of the street which takes you to Alexanderplatz in about 10-15 min. It's two tram stops from Weissensee which is a nice lake for swimming and hanging out in the summertime. It's also a short bike ride from the heart of P-berg. It's surrounded by grocery stores, Bioladen, drugstores and other accommodations.

When I moved in I took some of the guys furniture before me and I pulled up the carpet and painted the old hardwood floors. I bought a new fridge and would like to sell all the furniture/fridge/washing machine to the next tenant for a modest price. We can negotiate how much. Then you could have a fully furnished cheap flat for a start and I don't have to throw away/sell everything.

Please bring the required forms (the rental agency requires the conventional letter from the last place you rented, and proof of income (or that your parents support you as well as a personal ID).


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