Berlin-style, huge and cozy private room (22qm) in shared flat

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Detalles del piso compartido

El piso compartido:

  • habitación en un 4 personas apartamento
  • Tamaño del inmueble: 120m²
  • 4 personas
  • Mixto
  • Idioma(s): Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés

Buscando por:

  • Esta habitación está por el momento alquilada

Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo

2. Planta alta


Bañera, Ducha

DSL, WLAN 26-50 Mbit/s


Buenos espacios para estacionar

1 minuto caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Sótano





I offer you a big but cosy and quiet room in my lovely flat, located in the heart of trendy neukölln. I bet it has everything you'll need. There are a lot of nice bars, restaurants, shops, the canal in walking distance- as well as bus, subway and tram.

The room is typical berlin style: deal (w/ carpet for the well-being of your feed), high walls, stucco. The two huge windows of the big and cosy room are facing the planted courtyard - meaning that it's real quiet cause there's no street noise - and you face the south. So, on sunny days, the sun will say hi to you and the room, in defiance of the courtyard-shelter, but when its too hot outside its still bearable inside. Also i have thick, black and thinner, white curtains to choose from. The huge self-build bed stands right next to the window so that you can easily enjoy the outside view while lying in bed. There is a huge, antique writing table for you to work on as well as wifi access. If you wish to, you can use my b/w-printer under the terms we'll agree on. Several bright and (in)direct sources of light, plants and different kinds of seats (couch, rocking chair, beanbag) to relax, as well as stereos to listen to and a piano to play music (only with windows closed, for the sake of a good relationship to the neighbours) at a civilized volume, will await you. I have a huge mirror and can provide you surely enough space in my closet, dresser and on the various shelves i built for the room. Also the room is lockable.

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