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Welcome to our modern Co-Living House!

I am renting out my room starting June 10th. The room includes a bed, a desk, a closet, a shower, a mirror and some preinstalled shelfs. You are welcome to keep everything (no fee attached), but you also don’t have to. If you need a longer stay you can prolong your contract, but the starting one lasts from June 10th until the 1st of September.

The big house is divided into multiple floors. Each floor has around 20 people and we all share a kitchen together, you have your own cupboard to store food and enough fridge space for everything (each fridge is shared by three people). The kitchen has everything you need, literally everything, you name it we have it. There is a free washing machine and dryer on the floor for your laundry, as well as a big freezer that the entire floor shares. The bathroom is shared by 3 people, either 3 guys or girls, and everyone gets a key so you can lock it.

As for the rest of the house, there is a movie theatre, and every Thursday there is a movie night organized. There are two big living rooms downstairs which you can always use, an additional laundry room with extra washing machines and a gym currently in the making (it should be finished by the time you move in), as well as an outside space in the middle of the building where we often have barbecues organized.

All in all it’s a really fun place to meet and talk to people, but if you want your peace and Quiate you have it, since everyone is really understanding.

The House is located in Ehrenfeld, Weinsbergstrasse 74. It is a 5-10 minute walk from everything you need. The bahn, Linie 3 & 4(on one side) and 1(in the opposite direction), are both approximately a 7 min walk. Kaufland, Rewe, Dm, Aldi, and other stores/restaurants are also very close(5-10min depending on the store) and if you walk a bit longer (15 min) you are in Achnerstrasse .

The rent is fixed at 650 per month and there is a Kaution of 1000€ which you of course get back at the end of your stay. However since you would be moving in in the middle of the month, it is half the price, 325€ for June. The rest depends on how long you want to stay.

If you are interested, feel free to text me on the App or on WhatsApp if I don’t see your text on the App immediately. I would also ask you to not call me since I often don’t answer phone calls of foreign contacts, and I don’t want to miss a chance to talk to you!

Iriana Mihaela Jurčić: (see below)


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