bright and cozy Room for a female student

Anzeigennummer: 7780096


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG, Frauen-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

höher als 5. OG




gute Parkmöglichkeiten

Waschmaschine, Aufzug


Hii Room-Seeker !
So my cozy and sunny room in a student-dorm will be available from 1. Feb till 31.March, 2 months in total (only for a female student)

It’s near Ubahn-Tierpark, from there you need about 7mins to Ringbahn and 15mins to Alexanderplatz. Quite central, i’d say.
In this area, there are many supermarkets like Aldi, Lidl, Rewe and Netto, Shops like DM and ROSSMANN.

My room is around 15 m2 big. It has a working table, a comfy chair from ikea, a clean bed, a book shelf and a wardrobe-quite everything of what you will need(a sofa will be in the room soon too). And ofc i will clear my stuff out of the room, so you have space to place you things :) But basic things like kitchen stuff, hair dryer etc i‘ll let you use during a stay here.
In this Apartment, there’s a bathroom and a kitchen with oven, where you will be sharing with another 2 female students. If you wish i could also let you use my bike, which easily takes you to shops and supermarkets in the area.

As a roommate, We dont do much stuff tgt and see each other really often cuz we usually have our stuff to do. But they all are friendly.
In this Apartment we also always try to keep everything clean as much as we can. So im looking for someone, who’s tidy,clean and easy with things.

If you‘re interested, please write me a bit about yourself 😀 and for further information just inbox me.

P.S. we also have a cleaning plan, which says who cleans at which weekend. and you have to do it when it‘s your turn. Plz dont contact me if you like leaving dirty plates overnight in the kitchen or have this similar untidy behavior or dont want to clean 👈🏽

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