MalmännlicheMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesuchtMitbewohnerin oder Mitbwohner gesucht Room in 3-room shared apartment

Anzeigennummer: 10954948


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Möchten Sie Einblick in exklusive Angebotsstatistiken erhalten? Mit WG-Gesucht+ profitieren Sie von exklusiven Zusatzfunktionen und sind Ihren Mitbewerber:innen so einen Schritt voraus.


Die WG:

  • 16m² Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG ( 1 Mann )
  • Bewohneralter: 27 bis 27 Jahre
  • Studenten-WG, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Geschlecht egal

Angaben zum Objekt




Spacious 16 m2 room is available for rent from June 1st, 2024, in a vibrant student dormitory at the heart of Querenburg, Bochum. Furnished with essential amenities including a bed, study table, shelf, cupboard, and chair, this room offers comfort and convenience. Alternatively, if you prefer your own furniture, arrangements can be made upon request.

Additionally, the apartment features two other rooms for your future roommates, with one currently occupied and the other awaiting a tenant before June. You'll have access to a shared spacious furnished kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, and a separate small toilet. Being situated on the ground floor, the kitchen offers direct access to the outdoors, where you'll find a cozy bench opposite the door, perfect for enjoying the summer breeze.


Located in the lively southern district of Bochum - Querenburg, the 'Europahaus' promises a home away from home for university students. Life here is vibrant and diverse, with a friendly student community that hosts various parties and events throughout the year.

Conveniently located just a 4-minute walk from the U-Bahn station 'Gesundheit Campus,' you'll have easy access to transportation. From there, the next station, 'Ruhr University,' is also a mere 6-minute walk away, making commuting a breeze. The city center is also easily reachable by U-Bahn, taking only 10 minutes.

The nearby shopping area 'Uni-Center' has a lot to offer and can be reached on foot in 3-4 minutes, where you will find REWE, Netto, Rossmann, delicious kebab restaurants, and Cafe.

Flatshare Type:

The shared apartment life is really relaxed. The roommate is really nice and uncomplicated. Most of the time, everyone has their own routine and things to do and you are not forced to do things together. You can talk openly about everything which is super important about shared living.


If you are a university student and your interest overlaps, I'd love to hear from you. :)
Send a quick message about yourself and your interest on Wg-Gesucht and I will schedule an appointment for viewing the apartment.

Best regards,

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einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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