Free room in WG in Rennweg from May 1st (3th district)

Anzeigennummer: 7960303


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aktuell vermietet

WG-Gesucht+ - Erfahren Sie, wie Ihre Chancen stehen.



Fakten und Zahlen der letzten 7 Tage

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Möchten Sie Einblick in exklusive Angebotsstatistiken erhalten? Mit WG-Gesucht+ profitieren Sie von exklusiven Zusatzfunktionen und sind Ihren Mitbewerber:innen so einen Schritt voraus.


Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 5er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 130m²
  • 5er WG
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

1. OG



1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Fahrradkeller, Aufzug


1 free room for our shared flat at Rennweg, starting from 1. Mai
(move in possible also from now)

room: 8 m2 for 265€ all inclusive
- includes a desk and a shelve for free.
- if you are interested in taking the bed and the mattress as well, we can arrange something for a small extra fee.

We are a shared flat consisting of in total 5 people with you, who are all involved in projects that have an impact on society or the environment.
We like to exchange ideas about this and about how to live such a life (nutrition is also something we car about: vegan, vegetarian, organic, etc.)
We would love if someone would join our flat & would enjoy having a community, where we talk about nice stuff, play games and have dinner from time to time.
We would also love if our new flatmates would like to stay for a minimum of 1 year.
Let us shortly introduce us 🙂

Max, 26, studying Law, working in international contract review, involving in the environment an chemical policy.
Flo 31, Manager at sustainable mushroom farming company.

The place is 130 m2 in total, next to rennweg station (very fast connection everywhere actually, even to boku), we have a genuinely cozy community kitchen, shared pantry, bath, toilet and enough space,
The room comes with a 600€ caution (you get it back when moving out).

Included in the cost is the general infrastructure and commonly used items like:
internet, heat, electricity, water, basic food like onions, oatmeal, tea, washing detergents...
We have basic infrastructure like: a washing machine, a fridge, toilet, a bath+shower...
We have of course a system in place to share labor on flat management (cleaning, buying stuff,etc...)

If you feel you would fit to us, please introduce yourself considering the questions below:
Name, age, How long do you expect to be in Vienna?
What are you doing, What do you care about & what are you passionate about?
contact us and we will figure out how to meet either in person or through skype!

facebook pm: Federica Vona

We are happy to hear from you,

Jetzt beantragen und für die Besichtigung top vorbereitet sein
einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
in 3 Minuten verfügbar
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