Very small, very cheap apartment in Gesundbrunnen

Anzeigennummer: 2866064


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sanierter Altbau

1. OG




I'm getting married this year, so I'm moving to a larger flat.

That means, however, I need somebody to take over or sublet my current place, from September 1st to the end of November at least. (The contract renews at the beginning of December, then if you want to keep the flat, you can take the contract over.)

The main merit of the flat and the reason I rented it originally is the price: 350€ warm, for a decent, livable flat. The neighborhood is good and there's one of everything you can want nearby; life is cheap and quiet. There's a tram station (50 and M13) a minute from the door, S-Bahn 5 minutes, U-Bahn (U8) 2 blocks away. The building is clean and well-preserved, and the flat itself is in a pretty good state. Heating works really well. Oh, and the only neighbor is upstairs.

"But there has to be a catch!" Well, the place is really small: two rooms, 34.93 m². The kitchen is tiny (but complete, with electric stove and EBK-ed refrigerator), the bathroom feels a bit like a cave. Floors are plastic fake-parquet. If you're alone and you're the type that pretty much only ever goes home to sleep, it's a great way to save money for a few months (especially as a temporary place while you look for a new one).

The flat is really NOT suitable for sharing, unless you're ok with sharing a room. It does technically have two rooms, but one is really small and the only access to the kitchen.

It's a 1st floor flat on a hinterhaus. It's not really hinterhaus-quiet, though, because it's too close to the street that runs behind the building.

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