Urgent - Furnished Apartment 2 room apartment

Anzeigennummer: 6117549


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1. OG

eigener Parkplatz

3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt



IMPORTANT: Please read the whole thing first! Lot's of messages like "when I can come to visit are going to be totally ignored!"

Leaving the country next month for work. I need a tenant as soon as possible. I want to leave the flat as it is with furnishings. It costs 550 Euro. Almost everything in the pictures, with exceptions to my PC and and study chair and Printer.

There is going to be an "open flat visitation" for everyone on Wednesday (17.05.2017) between 18:00 and 20:00.

If you are interested, message me, I will reply you back with the Selbstauskunft document as attached. Fill it out and please bring it with you when you visit the flat with a photocopy of your ID card(or passport if you are not German) and lastly bring also copies of your latest three(3) salary slip with you. If you are 2 people who are planning to stay together, you need to fill the Selbstauskunf document "together" with both of your pay slips with your current employer. This is a serious and urgent open flat visitation house, I will send the information to the Real Estate Agency first thing in the morning. I need a tenant as soon as possible. Without these documents, even if you like the flat, sorry that I won't wait for you provides these documents at a later date.

Documents required:
German ID or passport photocopy
the last 3 months salary slips(for each person if you planning to stay together)
Selbstauskunft document - if you plan to stay together with someone, you need to fill it together.

Flat is very close to the public transport, with a private garage, nice balcony.

I recently painted the walls so it is clean.

Please send me a message and I will send you the Selbstauskunf document.

Jetzt beantragen und für die Besichtigung top vorbereitet sein
einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
in 3 Minuten verfügbar
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