Large 3 Person flat share in best location in Rohrbach

Anzeigennummer: 9296736


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Angaben zum Objekt

WG geeignet


höher als 5. OG

möbliert, teilmöbliert

Badewanne, Dusche

Parkett, Laminat, Fliesen



Waschmaschine, Balkon, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller, Fahrradkeller, Aufzug




I want to sublet my apartment room at Sickingenstrasse which is right in the center of the rorhbach area. The room is quite big aproxx 28-30 m^2 as you can see in the photographs there is plenty of space inspite of a double bed. The bed also converts into a sofa making even more space during the day or for get-togethers. There is a small balcony shared by all 3 people, you can just sit and relax there, being on the 7th floor it has a wonderfull view and you can see sunsets during the whole spring and summer. During the winter you can see the snow cover over the entire rohrbach and Kircheim area.
There is a corridor connecting the room to the main sitting area and the Kitchen, there is a sitting area in the Kitchen as well. Since the other 2 people barely use the Kitchen you'll have it pretty much all to yourself. There is a washing machine and a dryer in the basement that you can use. There is also some storage area in the basement you can put your extra stuff there or use things keptheree for e.g. bookshelves etc. There is a microwave, oven, vacuumum cleaner, several utensils etc things that you can use daily while you live here no one would mind, it's all sharing it's all chill.

You'll be sharing the apartment with Andrius (28, M) who is a software developer, he is a supquietite person and just codes all day. You'll be sharing the bath and the toilet with him. The other person is Kire (27, M) who works at the University administration, he is quite friendly and fun. Kire has his own bathroom and he dosen't use the Kitchen so it's just shared between you and Andrius. Both of them are very friendly and helped me a LOT when I initially moved in here. Ofc if you moove in here I'll personally help you as much as I can :D You can also moove in here for 2-3 months as you house hunt for other places in Heidelberg. It's often easier finding a house once you're living in the city compared to finding them online.

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