Two room apartment available for short-term (Long-term possible as well)

Anzeigennummer: 10957501


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gute Parkmöglichkeiten

7 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Balkon, Keller




******* Posting with landlord's knowledge ************

I am moving out of my cozy two-room apartment at the end of April, hence I need to sublet the apartment for the month of May.
It is possible to extend the contract beyond May as well which will be a direct contract with the landlord.
As the landlord intends to renovate the apartment in the month of July/August, he is not willing to offer a long term-contract. However, since the renovation work will take around 2 weeks to complete and will mainly be constrained to the kitchen area, it is still possible to stay in the apartment during that time. Hence, if you are willing to make a long-term contract, you need to provide access for around 2 weeks during summers.

It is a semi-furnished apartment with the following amenities and furnitures :
Built-in kitchen (including induction stove, oven, microwave oven and fridge)
Big wardrobe
Big wohnwand
Balcony furnitures including table, bench and multiple chairs
Huge basement area
Personal washing machine in the basement

You would need to get your own Internet and electricity contract. For reference, I currently pay 39,99 Eur for a 100Mbps connection from Vodafone Kabel and 54,00 Eur for electricity from eprimo for a household of 2 members.

If you are interested in the apartment whether long-term or short-term please send me a message with the following points and then we can make a viewing appointment. Messages with incomplete information will not be responded to.

A small writeup about yourself and how many people would like to move in
Your employment situation and your net house income
Whether you smoke and/or have pets or not
If you'd like the apartment for a short-term, please specify for how many months
If you'd like the apartment for a long-term, please mention that you are okay to offer access for around two weeks for the renovation work to take place or are willing to find an alternate accomodation for that time by yourself

Please understand that if you like the apartment and are willing to make a contract, you would have to submit your schufa (jetzt beantragen) certificate along with last three months of payslip

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