2 room flat available for 3 months maybe longer

Número del anuncio: 6231443


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Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta

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5 minutos caminando


Hi there,

I will be travelling for the next 3 months and am subletting my flat from the 31st of January until the 30th of April. There are chances that the lease could be extended but I can't promise that. The flat is great, one big bedroom, one nice living space with kitchen and a comfortable bathroom. All bills and internet are included. All facilities available such as washing machine, hairdryer etc.. You can even use my pasta, I've got plenty. :) No anmeldung possible. So if you are in between flats or just arrived in Berlin and in need of a temporary solution this is your deal, as you will not have to worry about anything for a whole 3 months.

Don't contact me asking to negotiate the price because this isn't your local market and price is not negotiable. Please include your Facebook profile when contacting. If you didn't read the ad you will not receive an answer. Bye.

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