WG Zimmer / Room

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Hello everyone!

My name is Andrea, i’m French and 23 years old. I recently moved to Berlin because I felt in love of this city.
At the moment I'm working full time as a Client Service Agent for a big company.
I grew up in a small french town very close to the Swiss Border. About 20 minutes from Geneva. I lived 3 years in Grenoble, where I studied, and then few months in Lyon for an Internship and in January 2020, I moved to Munich for an amazing experience in a family as an Au Pair.
I was there for 6 months with the main goal of improving my German and discovering a new place while living the best experience I could live. I’ve always been curious, ready to know the world, there are many places to be seen and Berlin makes it possible, this is why i choose this city.
I am very open, international and I would describe myself as a cheerful person. I love music and it’s my biggest passion ever, I produce, write and sing. I love spending time with my friends in some bar with a beer or a hot chocolate in front and talking for hours about everything and nothing.
Currently, I am living in Schöneberg but I'm close to the end of my flat contract so I was hoping to find the right place to call home.
I am a very clean and tidy person, I love spending time with my flatmates, sharing ideas, talking economics and politics, and doing some DIY workshops at home together. I love cooking and baking for myself, my family and my friends. I like cooking by myself, but if a flatmate offers to do it with me then I am the happiest person ever. During the week I like to have a balanced
routine which consists of going to work and then work on my music, cooking a healthy dinner, and read a book before going to sleep. On the weekends, I mainly like to relax either outdoor if the weather allows it or indoor by reading... 😊

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