✨ Search-1-1.5 room apartment ✨

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Edificio antiguo
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí


My name is Isaac, and I'm a professional art handler and assistant to an international artist. I've lived in Berlin for two years in a beautiful WG in Wedding, but its time I found my own place to settle. I'm currently looking for a long term apartment of 1-1.5 rooms. My Ideal space is an old unfurnished apartment with wooden floors and a balcony. I'm happy to do any renovation myself as I enjoy DIY projects, and I am most excited when the apartment requires a little work so I can make it my own.

I want to find somewhere starting in October, but I can be flexible. Max cold rent should be no more than € 650, but I'd prefer something cheaper than that.

✨ I'm currently focusing my search in these neighbourhoods, but I'm always open to alternatives.Wedding/Neukölln/Kreuzberg/Prenzlauer Berg/Schöneberg/Templehof/Mitte/Moabit

I have all the necessary documents and assurances (SCHUFA (solicitar ahora) , ID, etc.)

Please let me know if you have a place available or know of a property management that might have unrenovated properties not yet on the market.

Thank you

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