Student (Male, 26) looking for a single room in a shared flat in Soest

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: n.d.
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

I am a student at South Westphalia University (Soest campus). I am looking for a single room in a shared flat in Soest/Dortmund or nearby areas. I’m a friendly and responsible person, I do not smoke and do not have any pets either. I am a hygienic person and likes to keep the place clean as well. My duration of stay is flexible depending upon the availability of the flat.

I am currently in Soest and come over for a visit at any feasible time.

Please let me know if any more details are needed and I would be happy to share them.

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