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Más datos acerca de mí

Hello, I am Manav Sumara.
I am a 24 year old International student at Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen. During my academic life and after graduating I have been actively engaged in work with NGOs where I have worked on social advocacy programmes.
My ideal routine includes waking up on time, cook pretty frequently and make some time for myself for exercising and meditating. I easily gel with people and even more so if they're down to have an interesting conversation. I do not find it difficult to sit with a group of people, joke around and bond with them; but also respect personal spaces.
I love perusing over cultural and sociological ideas and you would often find me listening to podcasts (especially Lex Fridman and Sam Harris) while working on other tasks. I am a filmmaker and I revere cinema in all its forms and you'll always find me nerding about it. I am a big 'Hamilton' fan and you'll find me, more often than not, rapping to the whole musical.
In my free time, I love to play the ukele and play chess matches.
I would ideally like to share a space with people who believe in compassion and inclusivity :)

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