PhD student at MPE looking for a 1 room flat!

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Hi everyone! I'm Daryl, a PhD student at Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). I have been staying in Germany for about 9 months and I'm currently staying in a WG in Munich. I'm looking for a place to live in that's close to the U6 line. My preferred move-in date would be Aug. 15, 2021. My budget for warm rent is up to 600 Euros. Here I present my self-introduction so that you'll know more about me :)

Hobbies: Music, Games, and Socializing
For my hobbies, I like singing, playing the piano (I can only play chords, not notes, as an accompaniment while singing), surfing the internet, listening to music, and socializing with friends (preferably with beer 😂). I like having a balance between socializing and having private time. I do not smoke, I do not have any pets, and I do not have any musical instruments with me. I would say that I'm not an expert in cooking, since I am self-taught. That's why I'm very open to learning new recipes and tricks in cooking.

Personality: Focused, Extroverted, and Kind
As for my personality, I'm a focused and goal-oriented person; if I want to do something, I give my 100% attention to it. Therefore, I do not do things half-baked, especially to the things I am passionate about. These things include (but are not limited to) astronomy and teaching. I tend to get shy at first when gauging new acquaintances, but after a day or two, once we get to know more about each other, I open up and become less flustered. I always try to be helpful as long as it's within my capacity, but I'm never afraid to tell my limitations. Lastly, I enjoy human interaction in general. I like the idea of meeting people from different walks of life, and so I always strive to be empathetic and a good listener.

Daily Life: Cooking and Going to Office
Lastly, I want to give you an idea of how my daily life goes by. Since I am living in a WG, I decided to cook meals on the weekend that’s good for a week to save time in the kitchen. Then I just wake up at around 7 am, eat light breakfast, prepare myself, leave, and arrive at MPE at around 8:40 am. I eat my lunch and dinner there and work until 7 pm, and then once I go back, I take my rest. On weekends I buy my groceries, do my laundry, clean my room and the bathroom, cook my meals for the next week, and sleep (my biggest priority). Sometimes I would also go out to meet my friends in Munich/Neufahrn.

I hope you find this “self-introduction” informative and helpful. Thank you and I hope you can consider me to your offered flats/apartments! Please contact me if you have any offers.

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