Looking for a WG-room

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Tipos de pisos compartidos: n.d.
Detalles del piso compartido: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Hi 🤗
My name is Kilian. I’m 28 years old, I am studying Philosophy and IT at FU and am working part time as a teacher. Before my studies I trained to become a pediatric nurse and I’ve had nursing jobs most of the time since, but I am not working in healthcare atm.
I am currently living in a reasonably priced apartment in Tempelhof with a lovely roommate who is sadly moving out soon. If it works out I’d be open to swap my apartment for the right WG-room (flatshare).
I get along with pretty much anyone and I can live harmoniously with most people. One time I unintentionally moved in with a messy, condescending, and xenophobic chauvinist. Obviously, this didn’t work out. When sharing an apartment there are a couple of things that are very important to me and I think it’s best to clarify these issues from the get-go. A sense of community and a loving, considerate, and appreciative way of treating one another are the most important thing and essential to me in a WG. I do not want to live with someone who discriminates against certain people or treat the people around them and their surroundings poorly.
I consider myself to be open minded, widely interested, cheerful and outgoing. I love talking to others and I’m always down for having a good time.
When I’m not working, studying, or resting from either of these, I experiment with DJ and music production software or just listen to music. I have a record collection and I’ve acquired a pretty decent stereo system over the years that I would like to bring with me. I don’t mind using headphones, but it would be pretty cool if I can listen to music out loud every once in a while. It would be awesome if we can share our favorite music with each other and listen to music or even make music together.
I love meeting friends to play Boule or Frisbee, drinking a beer and hanging out. I like going to bars, and to parties at clubs and open airs every now and again. I’ve always hung out with the people I lived with and I’m still friends with almost all of my former roomates. It would be nice if we can spend time together occasionally in our WG and if there was a communal living together and if we could be there for eachother within our capabilites.
My main means of transportations through Berlin is by bike, I also like to go skateboarding, I’m part of a Uni-league soccer team, I regularly go bouldering, in the summertime I often go swimming in the lakes of Berlin, I like to go running to try out different Uni-sport programs and generally enjoy physical activity as long as it’s about having fun. I also hope I can manage to find the time to join a theatre group again at some point.
I’m a passionate cook and I like experimenting and trying out new things. I have two sourdoughs and I bake bread regularly. I very rarely eat meat and I am trying to reduce my consumption of dairy and eggs altogether although I haven’t managed to adopt a completely plant based diet quite yet. In my former WG my roommates and I cooked for one another and I followed a vegan diet there for a few years. Honestly I couldn’t care less about the dietary choices of my roommates. My current roommate and I share our groceries and we always cook for each other when we cook. It would be cool if we can cook together sometime or if I can treat you to my cooking occasionally.
I could provide a decent amount of furniture and household items for our apartment and I don’t mind putting in some handywork either.
It is a dream of mine to live in an alternative collective form of living at some point and it’s quite intriguing to me for people of different and diverse backgrounds were part of this arrangement and if it was quite international too. Until then a WG would be a great option aswell.
My Dad is from the U.S., I was raised bilingual, so both German and English are native languages for me, I am interested in other cultures and approaches towards living and I would love to be part of a multilingual/international WG or of another type of alternative/collective concept.
I accept that I am a white Cis-male despite finding it necessary to question and overcome the destructive construct of masculinity societally. It is important for me, to check my privileges and to understand the reality others face in life, to listen, and to reflect on my behavior and to adapt myself accordingly. I regularly participate in demonstrations that stand up for refugees, demand social and ecological justice, combat right wing movements and work towards other goals. I’m politically active and I plan on expanding my political participation in the future.
I would like to continue sorting my garbage and live as environmentally friendly a life as possible.
I like keeping a place tidy and would like to live in a shared flat where my roommates commit to keeping the flat clean as well.
As mentioned in the beginning it is very important to me to be honest about what I am looking for in a WG. I am looking for a room that is 20 square meters large and my budget is around 450€. I would prefer a flat with at least three people. I think my expectations are realistic and of course I’m willing to compromise.
I hope you have gotten a good idea about me and of how I picture life in a WG.
I would love to meet and for us to get to know each other. 😊


Yo cocino: n.d.
Fumar: n.d.
Yo aportaré: n.d.


Deporte: n.d.
Música: n.d.
Tiempo libre: n.d.

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