Clean, calm couple in need of apartment

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Cantidad de habitaciones: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Hello! My name is Stina and me and my boyfriend are searching for an apartment in Berlin!
We have just moved here and are currently living as guests at a co-workers place in Neukölln.
I am nineteen years old and my boyfriend are twenty. we are clean, behaving and really in need of a place to live. As long as the rent isn't too high and the neighbours isn't too loud, we are satisfied. Ofcourse it would be nice to live near my work at alexanderplatz but that isn't a big request. we both have jobs and we are both nice people so why wait? keep in touch with us on this ad! love /Stina and William

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