Postdoctoral researcher looking for flat in Berlin

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Cantidad de habitaciones: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí


My name is Andy!

I’m a 34-year-old Swede/Spaniard who was awarded a very generous postdoctoral grant from the Swedish Research Council on the promise that I conduct part of my research at the University of Humboldt, where I’ve been invited as a postdoctoral fellow by the Department of Philosophy. If you’re curious about the details of my position and financial situation, then I can send you a signed copy of my postdoctoral research certificate, my invitation letter from professor Tomas Schmidt, and many months of salary slips.

I’m a calm, reliable, debt-free, non-smoker and non-drinker. I’m 2 meters tall, friendly, loyal, intellectually curious, initially shy, increasingly silly, quick to laugh, nerdy, empathetic, conscientious, artistic, forgetful, nervous, honest, lover of cats who is fond of nail polish. I’m weird on the whole but people still tend to like me. If you’re curious about the details of my personality there are unfortunately no certificates that I can send you, but I can give you a reference in the form of Jerome Brandt, with whom I have shared a flat in Berlin for the past year.

I hope you consider me to be a promising candidate and that you’ll message me back with any further questions you might have! Note that I am looking for a new place from October and onward, but that I'm very flexible. I am currently on leave in Sweden, but can come down at the drop of a hat for a meeting!

Kind regards,
Andy Garcia

PS: Below I will leave a link to my department profile with an accompanying picture of me:

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