Nachmieter looking for 2/3 room flat

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Cantidad de habitaciones: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: n.d.
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

We are two full time working girls from the UK. With Giorgias monthly income at 1700€ and Emilys at 1800€ we collectively have a stable and reliable income.

Giorgia is working a contracted full time job for N26 bank and is also a freelance musician.
Emily is working as an Art Handler for Konig Galerie and is also a freelance curator.

We are both in our late 20’s and are now looking for a stable environment we can call home. It is essential that we have a relaxed environment we can both come home to at the end of the day as we both work so much.

Communication and transparency is essential to us, as we know we can offer reliability and financial security in return.

In our spare time we both enjoy yoga, fitness, creative arts and cooking.

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