3 adult with one cat from Ukraine

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Cantidad de habitaciones: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Hallo, my name is Viktoria.
My mother, my friend and cat came from Ukraine. We are looking for 2 room apartments for long term.This not complaint cover letter. I want to explain how responsible we are.

My mother and I came on March. After two weeks I found the job in cafe. I have been working there for 4 months. I keep money do not spend them for fun or stuffs. Now we have enough to rent apartments with deposit for three months. I work on the full-time job and also visit the Germany integration curses (from Monday to Friday).
In the past I was evant-manager and had my own project "About art". I am planning to make it in Berlin too. But I need time and languages which I improve every day

My mother doesn’t speak English. She is waiting for Germany classes which begin on July. She is active person and has already explored all Berlin city.

My friend Nikita came on May and also found the job in Cafe. Join forces we can rent apartments up 800-1000 euro in month. He is talented poet and intelligent person.

My cat Tuffa just cute and quiet ;)

Also we have all necessary documents: resident, salary proof, SHUFA, job contract

Now we are looking for apartment for long term or for half year to have more time find something else. We looking for apartments in this area to connect with jobs and curses. But we also consider another variants.

We came here not for vacation. Life is not easy, but it’s mean you need work hard. And we do.

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