Loving Tenant looking for a long term Apartment


Veronika (, 29) Buscando Apartamento en Berlin (No fumo).

SCHUFA existente

Solicitud en línea: 26.03.2023

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: 01.06.2023 hasta 01.08.2023
Cantidad de habitaciones: 1 - 3
Barrios: Britz, Friedrichshain, Kreuzberg, Marzahn, Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg, Treptow, Wedding, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Gesundbrunnen, Moabit
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Cocina disponible
Otro: Balcón
  Es posible alquilar por días

Más datos acerca de mí

Dear potential Landlord!

I hope this message finds you well.
I am excited to meet you if you feel I fit your criteria to rent your apartment! :)

I have been in Berlin for two years now and I am pursuing my passion working for a fashion studio as an art director. My stability with the contract has given me the financial stability to look for a place to call home.

Why do I think I would be perfect for you listing and how we could match:
- I truly invest myself in my apartment. I have lived in many different ones in these two years and I have always taken care of them as if they were my own. Cleaniness is a priority. A home is for me a safe space and that is I would like for the bedroom to be away from the street.
- I am outgoing and have a few friends that I trust and admire. Casual dinners is a thing I am growing fond of.
- I love to work and organize shoots and talk with people, so living somewhere central, would be great!
- I am honest and communicate things upfront and open to compromises in finding common ground

How I have imagined my future home to be:
- either with one separate bedroom or a bigger space with one big room i can comfortably divide into different areas. I have lived in small lofts, so this is an aesthetic I am fond of. In Berlin, Altbau apartments, are truly beautiful too.
- Balcony would be great, but if the apartment is full of light, then I could also skip it.
- Installed already with a kitchen or possibility to buy the kitchen already installed. I would bring the rest.
- Favourite location till now: Wedding. I have been living in Neukölln, but my partner is now living in Wedding. He is a photographer and on my free time I also collaborate with him for various projects so it would be great to live close to him.

I would be excited to hear back from you and give you all necessary paperwork upfront.

thank you!



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