Looking for an apartment at Reutlingen

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Cantidad de habitaciones: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: n.d.
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

Dear all,

We are a couple of researchers coming from Italy and we are looking for an accomodation at Reutlingen or nearby the town, because in the next months we´re supposed to start working in that area. We would prefer a furnished apartment, but at the same time we´re available to consider also other solutions (i.e.: partially furnished or unfurnished). We would like to move in the flat starting from 1st April 2011, but also at the beginning of March would be acceptable for us. A good connection to the centre of Tübingen is appreciated.

Thank you very much.
All the Best

Duilio Garofoli & Cristina Niturad

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