A cosy room for English (and/or Spanish) Teacher/Babysitter in Graefekiez

Anzeigennummer: 9460943


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 116m²
  • 2er WG
  • Frauen-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, WG mit Kindern, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG, LGBTQIA+, Wohnen für Hilfe, Alleinerziehende, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Finnisch Finnisch, Spanisch Spanisch, Schwedisch Schwedisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

Verbrauchsausweis, Baujahr 1906, Energieeffizienzklasse A


3. OG


DSL, WLAN 50-100 Mbit/s


schlechte Parkmöglichkeiten

3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon


Hi future flatmate/extra family member:) .. or Hola...;)

I am a single mother with a 7 year old daughter, orinially from Scandinavia. My daughter already speaks fluent German and English, and I would like to keep her English fluent. Therefore I am looking for a hopefully native English speaker to speak English to her/babysit as a part of the rent.

Optional; Spanish is no must, just a bonus;) During the last years I have been playing with the idea of moving to Mallorca some day;) Therefore the idea of someone who can speak spanish would be great..... teaching Lina and maybe me as well... But this of course is optional, we have 100% knowledge at the moment and I would have to start spanich classes first. My daughter of course would be faster to learn...

We are not talking about full time babysitting, she is in daycare fulltime / school in September and I am working from home office. Due to my new job position I might have travel 2-3 days a month, therefore I would need someone who could take her to school and from school and be with her these 2-3 days (Of course this will be compensated as free rent for the month depending on the amount of days...:)The rent for the room is 650 inclusive everything (Internet, Cleaning, Furnitures, towels etc), but it has been around 200-300 Euros for the last years - depending on the babysitting amount of hours, free if I am travelling...

I am taking her to school in the mornings, but it would be great if you have the flexibility to help to bring her home some afternoons, as from 1500-1700, school is very close, walking distanse. Moreover, I am teaching a fitness class every Saturday and would need help to look after her, Saturdays from 16:00-19:30. Sometimes I would love to join an extra fitness class or go to a restaurant, but that last part is optional, my daughter is getting older and can join soon as well:)

The room is fully furnished. We have a cleaning help coming 2 times a month. Please a little warning to avoid future struggles and arguments which had happened and could have been avoided from the start/here, note that Babysitting in my eyes is not putting Neflix on English/Spanish on and sit with your mobile in the hand, I want an active interaction between humans (not phones) and I am an definite anti smoker, so ONLY NON smokers, please no 'only balcony smokers/I just smoke outside sometimes'.........

If You fell like you are a match, and you want to read further, let me tell about us and the flat:) We want our new flatmate to ba a part of this little family, but we also respect your privacy, when your door is closed we dont bother you. My daughter is a shy little girl and she is very reserved, therefore we prefer someone calm and and with a patience. After knowing her is a sweet and kind girl.

We like to be outside, also going to the lakes in Brandenburg and now we spend a lot of time in Hasenheide and Tempelhof as well....

And definite plus, this flat is big with a shared livingroom and in the middle of Graefekiez, with a lovely bars and restaurants, also close to the river where youg people like to hang out, eat pizzas and drink beer;) I myself like to trink red wine, and I love Sushi..... Sushi takeaways are a part of this flat:))))

By the way, I am planning to renovate the Balcony before this summer, which is going to be a nice plus for the living room...

best regards,

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