Beautiful Room in the city center avaible from now on

Anzeigennummer: 9361648


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Spanisch Spanisch, Portugiesisch Portugiesisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt




Waschmaschine, Keller, Fahrradkeller


Hi everybody, here is Eilyn writing :)

Since a couple of months Jhoana and I have subleted for short periods one room left in our cozy appartment in the city center. Mainly because during summer we received a lot of visitors and we needed the room quite often. But now, when everything is calming down we are looking for a nice new flatmate! :)

About the apartment: It is small, but the rooms are huge, it has a beautiful vintage style. We have generous plants that survive our oversights, and a lot of sunlight enters. The apartment is near to everything, the city centre , public transportation, supermarkets, bars ancentrebest part, the Dreisam river and the Black Forrest.

The room does not have the furniture of the picture anymore, but it still has a bed, a desk and a chair. Curtains in the windows as well :) (if you need it, you can buy it for cheap price, unless you want to take the room for a few time).

About us:
Starting with me: I am 27 years old Colombian women, who is about to finish her master's in Social Sciences (Global Studies) here in Freiburg. I work in a restaurant temporaly and now I have to take desitions about what next! Here I participate in a group of Colombians Expats (La Olla), work in a comunitarian Radio (Radio Dreyeckland) and participate in different social and academic iniciatives. I am interested in latinoamerican feminism, antiracism and currently I am informing myself about environmental justice. Lastly, I speak Spanish, English, and Portuguese and I'm learning German (even though I have given up thousand or times).

Jhoana is also Colombian, 31 years old, and she works at a company in Freiburg while studing chemistry. Jhoa is a woman that I admire a lot, I can describe her as a wise woman. There is always something to learn from her. Besides that, she speaks Spanish and German.

Since for us it is important to be able to communicate among us, it is necessary that if you do not speak spanish, you should speak both English and German. We will give priority to people who speaks spanish though (but it seems that it is not a problem in Freiburg).

WG LIFE: We normally spend some time spontaneously in the kitchen in the morning or when Jhoa arrives late at night. (many hours just talking and talking). We both work so we would like to live with people perhaps older than 25, who are in their last stage of their studies or working already (There can be exceptions of course).

Cleaning: For us, it is pivotal to have our place clean so each of us have a task everyweek (clean the bathroom, the floor or the kitchen) it does not take much time. The appartment is not good for smokers (tabaco). Unfortunately we do not have balcony. But you can do it outside the appartment in the groundfloor :).

If you are interested please write us with a brief intro about you! which languages do you speak? and do you like coffe? :)

sorry if we do not reply your message, there are hundred of them D: but we will do our best.


Eilyn and Jhoana

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