Big and beautiful room next to the citycenter avaible now

Anzeigennummer: 9719239


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Spanisch Spanisch, Portugiesisch Portugiesisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


2. OG


Hi there, here are Eilyn (writing) and Robin :)

Our dear flatmate Jhoana just moved out of the apartment couple of days ago, because she got a great offer for her and her partner! That means that Robin and I are looking for a new flatmate! Since we are finishing our studies, and we already went through the vibrant and sometimes exhausting years of uni, we are looking for people over 25, preferably women, flinta.

About the apartment: It has a beautiful vintage style, it is small but the rooms are huge. We have generous plants that survive our oversights, and a lot of sunlight enters. The apartment is near everything, the city centre, public transportation, supermarkets, bars and the best part, the Dreisam river and the Black Forrest.

Jhoa is selling the furniture you can see in the pictures.

About us:
Starting with me: I am 27 years old Colombian women, who just finished her master's in Social Sciences (Global Studies) here in Freiburg. I work in a bakery temporarily and now I am figuring out what next! Here I participate in a group of Colombians Expats activists (La Olla), work in a communitarian Radio (Raíces Nomades- Radio Dreyeckland) and participate in different social and academic initiatives. Lastly, I speak Spanish, English, and Portuguese and I'm learning German (even though I have given up thousands of times).

Robin just moved into the apt. one month ago and we got along super fast! He came to Freiburg from Karlsruhe for his internship in neurosciences. He is 26 years old, a german guy, and he does love chilli! with him, you'll try many types in case you like spicy :)

WG LIFE: Super spontan! we talk a lot when we have the opportunity... normally in the kitchen during the mornings or in the evenings! We both appreciate privacy and like spicy and coffee so we are often sharing food.

Cleaning: For us, it is pivotal to have our place clean so each of us has a task every week (cleaning the bathroom, the floor or the kitchen) it does not take much time. The apartment is not good for smokers (tobacco). Unfortunately, we do not have a balcony. But you can do it outside the apartment in the ground floor :).

If you are interested please write us with a brief intro about yourself! and let us know if you like spicy :)

Sorry if we do not reply to your message, there are many of them D:

Important: we need to find someone who can move in as soon as possible, we will program interviews this week (nov 7-11).


Eilyn and Robin

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