Humboldtstraße 12

Anzeigennummer: 9353918


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aktuell vermietet

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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


4. OG


Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon, Aufzug


Hello everybody,
in our flat in the -Humboldtstraße 12- two (three) rooms are getting free from July on. The flat is very close to the Mozarteum building (5 minutes walking) and also to main-station (5 minutes), is quiet, has huge balconies, lots of sun!, and lovely neighbours.

The smallest room: 370 ;- (including internet and electricity)
—> this room completely gets free and there is the possibility to move in for long term
—> the room already has a bed and a mattress
—> Panorama windows & access to Balcony, overlooking mountain (East)

The medium-sized room: 395 ;- (including internet and electricity)
—> this room only gets free for July and August; because >Cat< (our currently flatmate, who’s studying Applied Theatre) is coming back to live in this room again from September till January
—> this room is already furnished, but you can put all your stuff into it and use it
—> Panorama windows & access to Balcony (South)

The biggest room: 450 ;- (including internet and electricity)
—> this room (which is mine, studying Acting) gets free from August on till the end of December, because I’ll go for an ERASMUS program to Amsterdam
—> so this room is also furnished, but literally big enough to take space for all your needs
—> Panorama windows & access to balcony (South)

If you are interested let us know, so we can discuss what works best, since long and short term-stay and different variants of room distribution is possible.
The flat is traditionally lived and loved by people from Mozarteum, also we are from the Thomas Bernhard Institution (acting and directing department).
Take a look on the pictures, and if you have any questions let us know and feel free to contact us:
Giulia Giammona
Benjamin Viziotis
Maite Dardano

All best and looking forward to welcome you to show you the flat and meet! <3

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