2nd District Furnished Room in Shared Flat

Anzeigennummer: 6716709


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  • Zimmer in 2er WG
  • 2er WG
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  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

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I am renting out my room in a 2 person shared apartment for 2 months!

It is an awesome location right next to the Prater and Donaukanal. So nice to go for a run, or a 2 minute walk and you're right in the park! Billa a couple blocks away, and Spar across the Canal.

Fully furnished (I can leave bedding and towels if necessary). Bed is a double, with a foam mattress.

Excellent transportation nearby. Bus stop right outside the building, takes 8 minutes to Praterstern, Tram 1 is a 5 minute walk away.

The room is on the inside of the complex with no direct sunlight so it is always cool, no matter how hot it is outside!

Tons of storage for clothes and stuff, great if you need an interim place while you look for your own.

Roommate is Tina, she's really nice, quiet, she works for a bank, and very clean in the shared spaces!

Only a bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, there is no shared living room.

Washing machine in kitchen.

Rent is inclusive of all utilities and internet.

Possible to rent further into or all of September but this will not be known until mid-August!

Best to contact me through this website, I can provide email if necessary, I do not have an Austrian phone number, but I have Whatsapp if texting is easier for you.

Thanks, Emily

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einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
in 3 Minuten verfügbar
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