64 qm 2,5 zimmer mit garten - Nähe Tempelghof Flughafenfeld

Anzeigennummer: 4731016


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gute Parkmöglichkeiten

6 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Garten, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller


We are currently looking for a nach mieter to take over our apartment in the Hoeppnerstr. Tempelhof.

It is a 2.5 bedroom 63.8 Sq. meters with a large shared garden, EG. but really bright with south side windows and direct sun into both bedrooms. The area is quite, family oriented with good access to public transit - sudkreuz 6 min walk and Tempelhof 7 mins. The apartment is 700 meters from the Templehof entrance to the fluhafenfeld.

Its perfect for a couple or for a family with a small child. We've been happy here but moving into a larger place. The details of our criteria to work with you as a nachmieter are listed below. Please do not contact me if you do not already have your documents in place and are legal to work / reside in Berlin. This is an official taking over of my lease not a sub-let.

Please tell me a little about yourself when you email - Profession, number of people in your family/group etc.

1. All your documents are in order - and that you earn a verifiable income that is high enough for the hausverwaltung to work with you.

2. Ready and able to pay the rent increase which they haven't told me yet. She said it will go up some. Currently at 577,12 + Gas for hot water and electricity. I pay about 650 a month warm.

3. Willing to take the apartment as is. The place is in good shape but the kitchen could use paint as well as some of the areas around light switches and doors. I want to go give the apartment to the nachmieter as is. You will have to sign a document to that effect. Renovations are then up to you.

4. Ready to move between Dec. 15th and Jan 1st.

5. Reliable and sure. If you have other irons in the fire please be honest about that in advance. The last time I moved my Nachmieter bailed at the last minute and it cost me thousands of euros and lots of problems.

6. Ready to begin work on this ASAP. The rental company is moving offices and everything is going to take a while so I need to move on this next week.

If those things are OK for you lets set up a meeting when you can come visit the apartment.

The docs required are:

Ausweiss Kopie
Schufa (jetzt beantragen)
Gehaltsnachweiss - if your self employed a letter from your accountant detailing income



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