i have available appartment for rent

Anzeigennummer: 3451457


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Angaben zum Objekt

WG geeignet

sanierter Altbau



Badewanne, Dusche, Gäste WC




gute Parkmöglichkeiten

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon, Garten, Keller, Fahrradkeller



I offer a room in a quiet,New apartment with hardwood floors and two balconies. The 89 sqm apartment consists of three rooms.

Your room is 20 square meters large, almost square, the door at the edge of the room, the window does not make centrally located on the side. Upon request, the room is partially furnished and there are two closets, a desk and chair and maybe a mattress.

Our common living room is 21 square meters large, very bright with a wonderful afternoon sun, well cut and has a French balcony. An area that we can make very happy together, you bring one with your own ideas! Since we use this common room together, I have half the living space of this room in the calculation of you to count the available area (22 sqm = 12 sqm + 10 sqm half your space living room).

The kitchen even has seats for three people and has a separate pantry. The bathroom has a bathtub including shower and apparatus for a window.

For rent of 350 € Per monthly including all the utilitues bill no additional charges and 500 € for the security deposit which is refundable after your departure from the apartment between 24hrs .

For electricity, telephone, internet and a comprehensive household insurance, which also covers the bicycle, . In the communication cost is a fixed flat rate and DSL (VDSL at 50 Mbps, faster is not currently WLAN) included with an Internet flat rate.

Overall, the monthly cost is therefore 350 euros (= 350 € rent charges for electricity / telephone / Internet / insurance).

It's located near the Train Station, , Nuernberg, Germany,in a quiet location, and the English Garden is also within walking distance.

i will be very happy if you are familiar with the WG life are. I have made many positive experiences in shared flats; age difference even with very different characters, different sizes, and large-WG. This makes it very beautiful and exciting!

Everyone should preserve its independence, but I think it is very pleasant.My email adddress is ()

I look forward to your message!
Best Regards

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