Sunny room available in shared flat

Anzeigennummer: 8584486


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 4er WG
  • 4er WG
  • keine Zweck-WG
  • Sprache/n: Englisch Englisch, Polnisch Polnisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

1. OG

Badewanne, Dusche


Hello, we (Kieran, 24, and Beba, 26) are searching for a new flatmate to join our WG.

Our place is located in Wedding, a short walk from the U6, U9, U8, and the M13. You would live on the first floor with 3 more people, in a flat equipped with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, and a living area. Unfortunately, we do not have WiFi and have no plans to get it in the future. The room is not furnished.

We are looking for a respectful, creative, friendly person, around the same age as us, and preferably that also works in gastronomy (although this is not a must). We are not looking for a party WG, as we both usually work evenings so want to come home to a peaceful environment. We ask that people applying have experience living in a WG before, are looking for a longer term living arrangement, and are good at communicating their needs and wants as part of a WG community. We do not allow smoking inside of the apartment (we are on the first floor, so this shouldn’t be an issue), and also do not allow pets.

The rent is €430 all included, with the possibility that this might decrease in the future due to prices of utilities. The deposit is €810, and anmeldung is possible.

Reply to us with a bit about yourself, what you are looking for in a WG, and your favourite music artist to prove that you read through this post.

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