1 Room in a shared flat - Friedrichshain (10 days) - best location!

Anzeigennummer: 9530954


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Fakten und Zahlen der letzten 7 Tage

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Möchten Sie Einblick in exklusive Angebotsstatistiken erhalten? Mit WG-Gesucht+ profitieren Sie von exklusiven Zusatzfunktionen und sind Ihren Mitbewerber:innen so einen Schritt voraus.


Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 88m²
  • 3er WG
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

1. OG

3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt


***Im going for holidays and renting my lovely room in Berlin, Friedrichshain***

Hi lovely people,
I'm subletting my room in Friedrichshain from 04.04 to 14.04 (flexible) as Im going for my home country to celebrate holidays with my family.

The rent for the entire time (1.5 weeks / 10 days) is 250 euros warm.

about the flat:
The location of the flat can't get any better - you can reach the always alive Simon Dach strasse in 5 minutes by walking. It's perfect for people who like to go out as you can find there many nice bars and restaurants. Boxi is also reachable in approximately 10 minutes. Our flat is very well connected to public transport - the closest station
is Frankfurter Tor (3 minutes walk distance) and from there you can take the U5 and the trams M10 and 21 which come very often. The closest S-bahn stops are Frankfurter Allee (2 ubahn stops) and Warschauer Strasse (2 tram stops).

The atmosphere in the apartment is very chilled and dynamic. We love doing things together such as having some wine in the evenings, inviting some friends over, going out to drink in a bar etc. However, we also have very busy schedules and are not in the apartment during most of the day. We are working full time + studying and that's why we also look for someone with a similar background.

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