Board gamer sought for unmissable flat on the river! (includes cat)

Anzeigennummer: 9261663


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 115m²
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG, inklusive WG, WG-Neugründung
  • Sprache/n: Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

Baujahr 2018


1. OG

Badewanne, Dusche

Parkett, Fußbodenheizung

Terrasse, Balkon, Garten





This a new flatshare! We've joined together with the idea of finding that precious and rare commodity in Berlin - a living room - so we can play board games, watch films, and enjoy each other's company without being closed off in separate rooms! So this is definitely not a functional flatshare.

Although we initially aimed to find something within the Ringbahn, viewing this place and the quality of life it promises (rich people life for cheap!) has changed things. We are now extremely keen to find our third person so we can apply as asap as possible ;)

There are three bedrooms in total. The largest includes an en-suite bathroom, per the floor plan attached. The other two rooms are on the smaller side (11-12m2 or so) but absolutely serviceable for a double bed and some small furniture, with the living being done in the thusly-named room with a gorgeous view! There's a storage room we can share as well. The large terrace overlooks the Havel, gorgeously.

The cost of the place in total is a ridiculous bargain 1.299 cold, 1.649 warm, and probably another 100 or so once you tack on electricity and good wifi. So, off the top of my head, 500-500-750 all included seems like a good split, though we can negotiate with each other :)

Note that the flat is unfurnished, so there will be some costs involved getting it set up. We'll need to install a kitchen, get ourselves a nice table, and if you're interested we could go evens on a canoe for summer! As you'll be forming the flatshare with us, you'll have just as much say in all the decisions to make an awesome new home. I'll be bringing a 40" TV and a PC with a stupid number of games for us to play, so at least that is sorted :) All costs will of course be repaid if you ever move out and someone takes your place. The deposit for the flat is the usual 3x cold rent, so about 1115 or 1671 euros if we did it according to the aforementioned split.

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