3-room apartment close to uni- sharing with a couple and a dog (Samojede)

Anzeigennummer: 10679625


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 80m²
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG
  • Sprache/n: Englisch Englisch, Deutsch Deutsch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


4. OG


Badewanne, Dusche


4 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Balkon, Keller, Fahrradkeller


Please read carefully to the end; (thank you)

This apartment belongs to a company called VBW. We have to send your document to them to approve and then you can register with this address in city hall.

The apartment is very spacious and has a balcony. There are three rooms, two are taken by us (we are a newly engaged couple with a medium-sized friendly dog). The room which this ad is for is located in a private area of the house. It has its own entrance to the kitchen and a small WC (including a toilet and washing machine). The room is furnished, it has a closet and a double bed, curtains, and a rug. The whole house is furnished by us. The kitchen is old because it was as it is today when we moved in, but we added a lot of items that you can use. The shower is close to our room on the other side of the house which you can use and have a small place in its closet and shelves for yourself. The house doesn't have an elevator. There is also a storage room on the ground floor that you can use. If you need parking you have to contact the company on your own and get a place (which I think is around 20 €). The bus stop is only 3-4 minutes walk. The subway (U-bahn, Hustadt (TQ) station) is a 10-12 minute walk away. If you prefer to walk to the uni-center or Hochschule it will be around 20-25 min. There are two supermarkets in Unicentre and in general, the accessibility is very good. There is a small store close to us as well as an atm. There is a Pizzeria and a kiosk under the apartment.

We are both Master's students and we are newly engaged. We prefer to have our own space in the living room, but in general, if you need to have a gathering or use the living room you can always ask. We can only have a roommate for a limited time since we are planning to live alone after marriage so we need a roommate for only six months. It would be great if you are good with dogs, and keep his company whenever you had time and we were at work.

Please only contact us if the description fits you (the length of the stay, the privacy matters, the dog). Thank you for your understanding.
If this ad fits you, then we can plan to see the house and talk.

Benötigte Unterlagen

Bewerbermappe Bewerbermappe Einkommensnachweis Einkommensnachweis
Sonstige Dokumente Proof of income, certificate of matriculation, residence permit
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