Bright and comfy room (with two windows!) to rent from 15.8. or 1.9., completely furnished, temporary or longterm, Internationals welcome!

Anzeigennummer: 7394579


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 50m²
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG, Internationals welcome
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


3. OG

möbliert, teilmöbliert


DSL, Flatrate, WLAN 11-16 Mbit/s




gute Parkmöglichkeiten

1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Fahrradkeller


Our flatmate is moving out so we are looking for a new person to move in!
I am German and my flatmate is Indian, so we speak English and German and welcome everyone who is interested! The room can be rented short- or long-term. It is currently furnished with a bed, a table, a shelf, a carpet, a plant, two racks, a lamp, and a big drawer under the bed for storage.

The apartment is located in Grone, so it takes about 15 minutes by bike to get to the city, but there are also plenty of busses going. It's a nice location that used to be an old village, but now belongs officially to Göttingen. It is a quiet area with plenty of supermarkets, a park and a gym nearby.

The flat is situated on the third floor which is the attic, so there are sloped walls on one side (the east). The ceiling isn't very high and all the rooms are rather small but comfortable (and bright!), so it feels a bit like a hobbit hole (only that it's on the third floor). In total the size is 50 qm. Everything you need is there, a washing machine, fridge, stove, dishes and so on. There is no living room, but a nice living corridor to sit in and eat or chat. All the other rooms are diverting from the corridor.

My flatmates and me get along very well, we enjoy chatting and occasional cooking together, but if you´re more the leave-me-alone-when-at-home-type that´s no problem at all. Just one thing: If you fry meat three times a day and make the apartment smell like it you might not be the best fit.

Jetzt beantragen und für die Besichtigung top vorbereitet sein
einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
in 3 Minuten verfügbar
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