Beautiful Room in 4er WG in the heart of Altstadt

Anzeigennummer: 7858248


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 4er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 110m²
  • 4er WG
  • keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Spanisch Spanisch, Französisch Französisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

2. OG





5 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon, Fahrradkeller


I have to leave my amazing room in the middle of Altstadt because I move together with my partner and so, you can try to take it and enjoy living in one of the best locations in Heidelberg. The flat is located in Maerzgasse where a lot of nice coffee shops and restaurants are located. There are a few bakeries, a pizzeria, a grocery store, a wine store and many more just down the stairs. The flat has everything you need and if you buy the furniture from the room from me (250 euros), you can literally move in with only your luggage.

You would share the flat with 3 really nice people. Maeva (French/German, 24) is a student of a Master in Art History. Corentin (French, 28) is a postdoc at Max Planck and Sven (30, German) is a student in a Master of Sociology. The life in the WG is very relaxed. Each person has a busy life, since everybody is studying or working a lot during week days but we usually tend to see each other either in the morning or in the evening. We tend to share a coffee of prepare dinners together time to time and of course, if you feel like having some time alone, you can always just stay in the room. The current flatmates are very respectful and do not make much noise during the day. We are looking for a new tenant (preferably a girl/woman.. but guys are also welcome to apply) that will also be respectful of others, not making much noise or gatherings at times when people are supposed to be already sleeping (after 23 approx) or too early in the morning (before 9). There is also a weekly schedule for cleaning (it is not much, it takes 15/20 mins to do it) so the flat is decent at all times.

The flat has a fully equiped kitchen with dishwasher, oven, fridge and a washing machine. There is a toilet room and a shower room that is separated. There is also a small balcony that gives a lot of light to the kitchen during the day.

If you want to become the new person in this flat. Write us with some information about you (age, what do you do for living, etc) and we can arrange an interview. We can right now arrange interviews for next week (24-27 of February) and we can arrange for other moments after that week.

The room is very luminous, since it has two big windows that face the street. I am selling my stuff to the new tenant, which would be 250 euros in total (it includes a bed with the mattress, a wardrobe, a desk, two shelfs, a bed table and a lamp (I took the things from the previous tenant, half a year ago).

Note: Please write your message in English.

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