Short term room for summer

Anzeigennummer: 10185505


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 5er WG
  • 5er WG
  • Studenten-WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

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  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


4. OG


Hey everyone,

We have a room available in our shared flat for just over a month (it might be possible to extend) (02.07. -11.08).

The flat is located in the 3rd district between the Stadtpark and the botanical garden and is very quiet because there are no windows facing the street. Five bedrooms, a large living room, two kitchens and two bathrooms are spread over two floors.
The room is 25 sqm, has herringbone parquet flooring, high ceilings and large windows. The cost is €350 including electricity, gas and internet. It is fully furnished and has a large built-in wardrobe and everything your heart desires: bed, desk, bookshelf..
There is a small park just around the corner. The neighbourhood is very quiet, but there are some nice bars in the neighbourhood and around the corner from us there is a quite nice café and a shop where you can sit quite nicely in the evening (and drink wine for €2.60). Because of the central location, you can get everywhere quite quickly, both in the city and at the various universities, as well as at the Danube Canal and in the Prater.
There are 4 other people living in the flat (Hanne, Enna and Abi, and Maddy), all in their mid-20s. As it is holiday time, some are away but also at home. In general, sometimes we are all very engrossed in our projects and sometimes we just enjoy life, gladly together.

We don't share our food, but still often cook for each other. We are neither hyper-tidy nor extremely chaotic, and a fair division of labour and also a general basic order in the shared spaces are just as important to us as a certain generosity and serenity in our dealings with each other.

The room itself is massive. You have to walk through Abi's room to get there but she's lovely so its really not a problem.

We look forward to hearing from you. So feel free to write to us!

Kind regards

* No room for sexism, racism, homophobia or other discrimination.

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