Suche: Nachmieter - Beautiful 2 Room Apartment with New Kitchen

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I have lived in this apartment for 3 months. Due to recent events, I am moving back to the USA and trying to find the next tenant for this wonderful apartment. Main thing I'd like to point out is I'm selling my kitchen WITH the apartment. I bought and installed an Ikea kitchen in Nov. 2015 (only 3 months old) thinking I'd invest in something I love (cooking) for a long time (or so I thought). Total cost was 3100 EUR. I am selling the whole kitchen for 2200 EUR (this includes all appliances Washing Machine, Fridge, Oven, Stovetop and cabinets). No negotiations on this. If the price is a problem for you, I urge you to stop reading and to not message me.

This apartment is beautiful! I promise you will fall in love with it immediately (I certainly did). It has 2 rooms (1 is a bit small - but in my opinion the perfect room for a bedroom - I can fit my 180x200 bedframe). The second room is spacious and has a balcony - perfect for the living room and to entertain guests. You will also have your own basement unit and a courtyard that is only accessible by tenants. My favourite part about the apartment are the wooden floors - you can't find this in all apartments in Berlin!

I will be leaving mid-March, so I imagine your new contract will begin in April 1st. We can discuss an earlier move-in date around the 19. March.

Rent for me was 592 EUR warm (and the contract was made in Nov. 2015). I doubt it will stray too far from that figure. On top of that you will pay for Electricity (30-35 EUR for 1 person) and Internet (15-20 EUR).

If you are interested, please write me an email with:
-which evening during this week can you come view the apt?
-how long have you lived in Berlin/Germany?
-do you work full time/off probation period of 6 months?

Hope to hear from you soon!


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