Looking for a Nachmieter(in) taking a cosy, tiny flat in PBerg

Anzeigennummer: 4331809


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Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

1. OG


Badewanne, Dusche




schlechte Parkmöglichkeiten

1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Fahrradkeller



Hey there, my names is Alessandro and I'm the current tenant of a neat flat in Pappelallee, Pranzlauer Berg, who's actually leaving Berlin because of a job offer abroad. My departure date is as close as the end of March, so I'm looking for someone who's willing to take over my lease with the landlord.

The flat is a one-bedroom apartment located in the side-wing at the first floor, with the windows looking at the inner courtyard. The building is a typical Berliner Altbau, constructed at the beginning of the 20th century and recently renewed, with wooden floors, high ceilings and central heating.
It's composed of a single room, a corridor, a small but fully equipped kitchen and a bathroom with a bathtub, for an overall size of roughly 33 sqm. It's small, yes, but it's nicely arranged.

Now, since I'm leaving the country, I'm not taking the furniture with me. During the last two years I progressively bought gears for the flat and I'd be happy to sell it to the next tenant. Actually, selling the furniture would make my life way easier, so I'm going to give priority to whoever agrees on taking the "full package" (flat and furniture).
Among the things I'm leaving, there are a table with two chairs, a double bed with mattresses, a wardrobe, a big drawer, a cupboard, some shelves, a brand new washing machine and a small TV.
There are also some miscellaneous things I'm going to leave here which you might find handy, like a vacuum cleaner, a ladder, a drying rack, curtains and things of such.
The total price I'm asking for pretty much everything that's now in the flat is 1,400 euros.

The Hausverwaltung that manages the flat requires a Schufa (jetzt beantragen) scorecard, recent payslips or bank statements and a letter from your current landlord stating that you don't have any pending debts.
You've probably already heard of those.

Don't hesitate to write me if you need further details. Wish you all the luck during your flat hunting times.

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