Spacious open planned apartment in Prenzlauer Berg - internet and bills included - registration

Anzeigennummer: 6258768


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3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt



Please note that the minimum rental period is 7 months.
How to book:

Step one is the landlord’s approval. For that we require:

• a copy/scan of your passport
• our tenant’s information form filled out with your details
• proof of funds. Ideally that´s your work contract, if you cannot provide that, we
• If you are a student, we will need a guarantor confirming that they will be paying your monthly rent
• we also need to know: earliest check in date possible – total number of persons staying in the apartment – how long you are planning to stay

Once the landlord has approved of you as a tenant, you need to pay a 200€ reservation fee (non-refundable). This is not an extra charge, but part of the deposit. Upon receiving that reservation fee, we will stop marketing the apartment and proceed by arranging a date for the move in.

To finalise the booking, you need to pay the first month’s rent and the rest of the deposit.
You may pay either in cash on the day of the check-in, or via bank transfer five working days before check-in. This way, we can see the transaction online and confirm the booking.

Please keep in mind that we are not allowed to give out any apartment keys if the first rent and deposit have not been paid in full.

The deposit will be refunded at the end of your tenancy if the rent has been paid in full and the apartment is left clean and in its original state, including all furniture initially provided.
General Info
Our apartments are fully furnished, with fully equipped kitchens, washing machine and wireless internet. For images of available apartments please go to and scroll down to the section “Available Apartments” or ask us directly. Prices are for the whole apartment and include utility bills, heating, gas, electrics and internet. Only the German state "Rundfunkbeitrag" (a national broadcasting fee of 17,50€ per household and month, payable once tenants register the apartment as their principal residence) must be paid by tenants themselves. There are no big commissions or cleaning fees to pay, only a one-off administration fee of 100€ plus VAT per person. The deposit is equal to one month's rent.
For updates on availabilities please refer to or stay in touch via e-mail.

If you have further questions, feel free to ask!

For viewings or any other questions regarding this apartment,

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