2 room - Loft flat: For a couple or single person - easy to commute to OF or FFM

Anzeigennummer: 8087996


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Angaben zum Objekt

Bedarfsausweis, V: 135kW h/(m²a), Erdgas leicht, Baujahr 1950, Energieeffizienzklasse D




Eigene Küche

Badewanne, Dusche



eigener Parkplatz

3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon




Please note: This appartment ist NOT in Frankfurt city center, but in the peripheral region with train and easy to commute options.

25 km to FFM city center.
Postcode is: 63500

Why you want to check this out:
1. better value for money / top notch interior finishing - fully fitted kitchen and bathroom / Designer lighting
2. more privacy / less dense building area / stunning views onto a green garden
3. shops AND nature near / much better air quality
4. Easy commute options. With the new ticketing scheme coming in 2023. Monthly costs for public transport will be only 49 Euros

Who am I a looking for?

A couple (two persons) with a combined net income of 3000 Euro / month minimum
Single person with a net income of 2250 Euro / month minimum
International students: If you have a financial guarantor, contact me for details.

This place is fitted out with the most exquisite interior materials: OAK flooring, discrete designer lighting, gallery hanging system for your posters / paintings, video entry phone. It features a huge garden. Ideally you enjoy cycling, or join the local sportsclubs (a professional gym is a bike ride away) and there is a yoga school and open air swimming pool nearby. The town center features many restaurants and owner-operated shops with at least one or two social events a week on the marketplace (vegetable market, street food events, local festivities). There is also a lively calender of cultural events (classical concerts).

You don't need to have a car, but an e-bike or a motoroller will speed up the commute to Frankfurt. Most people in this area work in Frankfurt or in Offenbach or Hanau or in the South/ East or South-East of Frankfurt, which is easy to reach with public transport.

The fastest train connection to Hauptbahnhof FFM from Seligenstadt is 37 minutes!
Train to Darmstadt is 39 minutes (you need to change trains in Babenhausen)
Direct train to Offenbach is 22 minutes.
Direct train to Hanau is 17 minutes.

This is definitely a different experience from staying in a cramped space in the city center. Especially if you are moving to Frankfurt for a job and you are keen on making connections to the locals and have a social life, I encourage you to check out this flat.

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