helle 2.5Zi Wohnung Westhafen

Anzeigennummer: 9466807


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1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Balkon, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller, Fahrradkeller, Aufzug


The great architecture with high ceilings and large windows makes this almost 60 m2 apartment look and feel much bigger. The dimensioning of the rooms is super to live in and was perfect for us as a couple even throughout the home office & lockdown time. All the rooms (except bathroom) are connected through the loggia (balcony with roof), which gives it a unique twist and almost an extra room. The kitchen and the floors are to be taken over, just as we’ve taken them over from our predecessors, incl. dishwasher and some basic furniture. All functioning. The loggia is perfect to plant kitchen herbs, tomatoes and chilli, especially as it has sun from noon to the late afternoon/evening depending on the season. Just don’t forget to water it!
The area is very quiet as not many cars pass by, which is absolutely great and we also rarely hear something from the friendly neighbours. The apartment is on the 4th floor, there is a big lift that even fits your bike. A cellar compartment, a private garden for the residents in the back of the building and a bike locker room are included as well.

The location
Although being close to the main station is often experienced as disturbing, the area at Westhafen where this apartment is located is a completely different vibe. It is surrounded by business buildings and new residential blocks, the REWE and a bakery are in the basement. This is also the reason why it takes you just 1min to walk to the Main, a very convenient location also to bike the city. For me, having a walk along the Main in the evening is one of my highlights of the day.

Availability & Cost
This apartment would be available from 1. August on. The monthly rent is 792 EUR, COLD. 240 EUR will need to be paid monthly for the house maintenance, garbage, water etc. Not included is electricity and internet.
We would like to pass on our washing machine (1 year old, super functioning), a new tap in the kitchen, some shelf in kitchen and living room, one in the bathroom, if you want also our toaster. We would furthermore pass on the kitchen and floor from our pre-tenants. Total 420EUR is what we would like to get for that.

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