2 Bedroom Penthouse in one of Frankfurt's most coveted neighborhoods

Anzeigennummer: 7194927


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Angaben zum Objekt

WG geeignet

sanierter Altbau

4. OG


1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt



We are looking for a new tenant to take over our beautiful flat in Frankfurt. Right next to Glauburgstraße tube station (U5) in the western part of the centrally located, lively and livable Nordend, the apartment features one smaller and one larger bedroom and a spacious combined living/kitchen and dining area. There is also a small garret/mansard that can be reached via a ladder and may be used as a guest room or possibly a home office. The bathroom window offers a spectacular view of Frankfurt's skyline.
The entrance door is located at the landing of the fourth floor, the flat lies on the fifth (upper) floor. The stairhead is part of the apartment and provides ample space for shoes, jackets and the like.
The woodwork and the little nooks in every room make this a very special and quaint apartment. The drawback are 103 stairs up to fifth floor but we have endured this during pregnancy and have carried a little baby up and down that got heavier by the day, so you can do that, too!

/ 2 bedrooms
/ 1 combined living/kitchen and dining area with woodwork and very high ceiling
/ additional garret/mansard
/ woodwork in every room
/ windowed bathroom with bath tub and shower and a spectacular skyline view
/ laminate

Centrally located in the western part of the Nordend neighbourhood. Supermarkets (REWE, ALDI), numerous cafés and restaurants, doctors, pharmacies etc. are right around the corner. Popular Holzhausen park is a five minute walk, the Zeil shopping district a 15 minute walk. The central banking district can be reached in less than 10 minutes by public transport or bicycle.

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