Nice and Cosy in Denzlingen 3 min walk from bhf available. Please read the descriptions carefully

Anzeigennummer: 7197720


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Waschmaschine, Keller


hey hey,

I offer my 2 room appartmen in Denzlingen (45 qm), 5-8 min by train to Freiburg central station. I moved to Köln area for a new work and this is why I want to give away my nice flat. The appartment is close to the train station, around 3 min walk. There plenty of public transport options to Freiburg (e.g. 4-8 min by train). The building is located in family houses area and few minutes in the suroundings you find a hilly area with wine grabes farms that gives a nice overview to Denzlingen and in clear days even up to Freiburg. The appartmnent is completely furnitued, you just need to come with your suit case :) it has a big TV, internet connection, big bed, working desk, dining table, small kitchen, washing machine....etc. The flat will be given away only furnished (furniture, machines ...etc price is 1500 Euro). Please contact me only if you are willing to take the flat complete with its belongings. You have many goceries options around (REWE, EDIKA and Lidl). The appartment is located in a 3 appartments house with nice neighbours. It has a washing machine in the seller. If you are interseted just contact me and we arrange an appointment for a visit. The flat has an extra wooden oven special for the cosy nights ;-)

Thank you for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you

Best regards
Nizar Yousif

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