84 m2 Apartment - 3 rooms/balcony in perfect location - Furnished (READ condition)

Anzeigennummer: 7797291


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Angaben zum Objekt

Verbrauchsausweis, V: 130kW h/(m²a), Fernwärme, Baujahr 1970, Energieeffizienzklasse D

WG geeignet

2. OG


Badewanne, Dusche




schlechte Parkmöglichkeiten

2 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Terrasse, Balkon, Garten, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller, Fahrradkeller





This spacious and centrally located apartment is available from December2021. It is perfect for a couple. It is also suitable for a WG. The house is on the last floor of 3 family building. Very nice neighborhood and quiet building.

The living room is c.22 m2 facing south. The balcony is accessible from this room as well as the kitchen. The room gets plenty of sun during the day. The (semi)square cut makes it easy to decorate it as you like.

The mid-sized room (bedroom) is c. 17 m2 and faces north. It's very well cut with bright walls and you can fit most of your stuff easily in it. Two windows facing the Haagstrasse provide enough light inside. Two heaters provide enough heat during the winter. Summer is cooler than the rest of the apartment since you don't get direct sunlight for most of the day.

The small room is almost 10-11 m2. It's a perfect place for setting up a study. or a guest room (which I have been using).

*Kitchen is the best part of this apartment. It is really spacious. Door to the balcony. A corner table that extends to accommodate more people around it. The oven and stove work with gas. The oven door was recently replaced by the landlord and in really good condition for baking cakes and pizza!

*The bathroom/toilet are separated (people consider it a plus). Water-heater works with gas which again, makes the warm water costs really low (unless you tend to take a bath every single day using boiling water!)

*The cellar is another plus of this apartment. You can literally make it into a studio if you intend to. It is huge! (didn't measure but at least 17m2)

neighbors are extremely nice and friendly. The garden is open for use if you like. There are only a few plants at the moment but someone with gardening spirit will certainly find time to give it a new look.

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einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
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