WG in Graefestraße (Room 2 - the smaller one)

Anzeigennummer: 8717234


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 4er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 113m²
  • 4er WG
  • keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Französisch Französisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt






1 Minute zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine




Hey, there are two connected rooms currently available in our flat. This is the smaller one. If you would rather be interested in the larger one, check out this link (https://www.wg-gesucht.de/en/7935487.html?ma=1). If you may be interested in getting both rooms, check out this link (https://www.wg-gesucht.de/en/8717241.html?ma=1). Please indicate the room(s) that you are interested in when messaging us.


* Your room is 10 m², full of morning sun, and faces directly the street. The room is a small but cute space. There is a mezzanine which a bit wider than a two-person mattress, with such a mattress on it... it is a cozy little nest. The space below can be used partly for a small chilling area close to window and for storing one's stuff in the entrance. Some pieces of furniture are left including the bed, the shelves and the couch (which can also be removed if you find it too big).

* Available from June 26th

* Important note: this is a passing room (see floor plan in pics)! This means that there is a flatmate who will go through this room to access their room. As we have built a mezzanine in this room, you still have some privacy when you are up there as the other flatmate walks under. But it remains important that you are ok with some level of promiscuity.

WG space:

* We have started in the WG two year ago, the flat is 113m² on the ground floor. Before COVID, we loved hosting events (art exhibition, ambient sleep-over, lectures, etc.), and when life starts again we would be super pleased if you would contribute some more. During COVID, we have been working on decorating the flat that now has pretty colors.

* The living room (40m²) is aimed to be a modular space: now it is a comfortable space with carpets and sofas, tomorrow it can be mostly emptied for an event. It is a nice space to interact with people, have long diners, watch movies with the projector, etc. It also has a tiny mezzanine for reading/chilling in the day and large enough for one guest to sleep in the night.

* The kitchen is not huge but cozy and has most of the stuff one needs to cook well as well as a dishwasher. The bathroom is quite spacious. As we live on the ground floor we are extending on both sides with more and more plants.

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